
Toni Alatalo ([email protected])
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:37:30 +0300 (EET DST)

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, Laura Breeden wrote:

> In the US on April 1 we celebrate "April Fool's Day", which is a day for
> tricks and jokes. Surely that is what Netscape 5.0 is??? Never release
> software on April Fool's Day.

The release date was March 31st just to avoid that, there's a FAQ
explaining everything about Fool's day dilemma at the :)

So we got the source already yesterday, guys in Finland have been studying
together with their linuxnet-friends at Netscape and Microsoft developing
their browsers, this is really exciting!

There's a huge party in SF today and a breakfast party here in A'dam,
organized by the legendary hac-tic ppl who did "Hacking till the end of
the Universe" etc. on the '80s and in April 14th there's the first
International Browser Day, when artist show the own experimental browsers
they have made. I think this is the biggest thing that has happened in
ages. Gee, wonder what happens next..

I'm making &/ opensource about this, probably also in
Finnish to get some published in Finland to get some money for the
breakfast as I'm broke again :) I wonder if some publisher in states was
interested about the A'dam proceedings? This is the San Francisco of
Europe. afterall.
