Re: 98332: INET'98 Paper Review Notification (SECOND NOTICE)

Laura Breeden ([email protected])
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 04:07:43 -0700


I'm doing a big consulting project and have been quite busy this week
(community technology centers in the US, I'm being their executive director
for the next three months). Sorry I've been out of touch.

I agree with Geza that if you can clean up the unfinished bits, and
un-Finnish the other bits, of the paper, this would be good :-). I don't
think you have to make it too polished, even for the CD, since that is not
"who you are" and this paper is mostly about you. For the CD I'd put the
complete URLS for any documents you want to reference; I would not include
our correspondence, but since it's part of how the Internet helped us/you
do the paper, you can be the judge of that. If ISOC says that space on the
CD is strictly limited then we should be conservative.

I hope you are well and am looking fowrad to figuring out more about how we
do the presentation in Geneva -- next week!


Laura Breeden & Associates
Strategic Internet Consulting
215 Waverley Street, #4
Menlo Park, CA 94025
p 650.853.3040
f 650.853.3047
[email protected]

*****See you at INET'98, Geneva, 21-24 July, 1998*****
Contact me about the User-Centered Issues program!