98332: INET'98 Paper Review Notification

[email protected]
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 22:04:34 -0500 (EST)

Fri Mar 27 22:04:34 EST 1998

Re: INET'98 Paper Submission 98332
"Surfing the Tidal Wave"
(Your paper title may have changed for programming purposes.)

Dear Toni Alatalo <[email protected]>:

We are pleased to advise you that the paper you submitted to INET'98
has been accepted for presentation at the conference and inclusion in the
proceedings. Congratulations!

Your paper has been accepted for the "User-Centered Issues" track.
Your track leaders are:

User-Centered Issues
Laura Breeden ([email protected])
Christine Maxwell ([email protected])
Geza Turchany ([email protected])


The remainder of this message contains important information about
alterations to your paper, conference registration, financial aid for
speakers, your presentation, etc. Please read it carefully and keep a
copy for future reference.

We ask that you please advise us of the name of the person who will be
presenting your paper in Geneva. Please send the speaker's name,
email address and fax number to <[email protected]>
as soon as possible. This will also serve to acknowledge receipt of this message.

[You may respond by simply replying to this message, if you wish.
Please include the 5-digit ID number referenced at the beginning of this
message in the Subject line to help in identifying your paper. If you have
more than one accepted paper, please send a separate message for each one.]

*** Send your response no later than April 17, 1998. ***

If for any reason the speaker changes or is not able to attend the
Conference, please advise <[email protected]> immediately.

We will use authors' names and contact information as you have
submitted them for preparation of the conference programme.
Much of the recorded information was collected when you submitted
your abstract for initial review. When submitting papers, some
authors have advised us of new information. When specifically
advised, we have done our best to update our records. Please take
this opportunity to make any corrections to our records by
sending an email to <[email protected]> as instructed above.
Submit these changes as soon as possible, but no later than
17 April.

********here is what we have on file******************

While your paper has been accepted, your track leaders (listed above)
may shortly contact you regarding minor alterations or improvements.

You will be able to submit revised versions of your paper through 17
April. On the 18th, the papers will be turned over to the proceedings
editors and no further updates will be possible.

All paper revision submissions should be sent by email to <[email protected]>.
If your revision includes graphics, there may not be a need for you to submit
the entire paper again. For instance, if only one figure has changed, send
only that graphic. If the text of the paper has changed, but not the graphics,
send only the index.htm file. Please try to summarize in the body of your
email message what has changed and for what reasons; this will make it easier
for your track leaders to review your changes. If you are revising more than one paper,
please send a separate email message for each revision you are submitting.
The Subject line of the email message should identify your revision with
the 5-digit numeric id assigned to your paper. All file components of your
paper should be submitted as attachments to your email message.
You will receive a brief acknowledgment of your submission
within 3 business days.

The room in which you will present your paper will be advised at the
time you pick up your registration materials in Geneva.

Please plan to arrive in Geneva not later than the evening
preceding your presentation. This will allow for minor problems with
your travel plans.

All speakers must register for INET'98 by 1 June. See the web site at
<http://www.isoc.org/inet98/form.shtml> for conference information and
registration. If you are unable to present your paper for any reason,
please let us know as soon as possible.

If you are attending the conference solely to present your paper and
you are not attending any other sessions, you must still register, but will not
be charged a registration fee. On the registration form register as an ISOC Member,
putting the word "speaker" in the ISOC Member Number field and in the
Credit Card Number field. You will be issued a special badge that will admit
you to the session in which your paper is presented only.

If you are attending any other sessions you must pay the conference
registration fee (But, see below). You will be given the rate
applicable to Internet Society members whether or not you are a
member ($495). On the registration form, register as a Member, selecting the
member rate and entering the word "speaker" in the ISOC Member
Number field.

You are also expected to make your own travel and hotel reservations.
Note that special accommodation and travel rates are available.
See <http://www.isoc.org/inet98/hotels.shtml> to make your reservation.

Registration opens at 7:30am on Monday, 20 July. You may pick up your
registration materials from the pre-registration booth.

Room "I" in the Palexpo Conference Center will be available
for speaker preparation from Sunday afternoon, 19 July, and throughout
the week. This room will contain computer and audiovisual equipment
to allow you to practice or edit your presentation.

We will provide Windows'95 and Macintosh computers with Internet
access and large screen projection devices in each conference room.
Each computer will be loaded with current versions of Netscape, Internet
Explorer, and PowerPoint. Overhead projectors will also be available in
each room. If your presentation is on-line, bring a copy on diskette in the
unlikely case of network problems. We will make reasonable accommodations
to interface with laptops, but because of time constraints and technical
issues, we cannot guarantee laptop support.

During your conference session, you will be allotted approximately 20
minutes to present your work. We ask that you prepare your presentation
carefully with consideration for the limited time. In past conferences we
have found that the most effective presentations focus on the conclusions
and learning from the work rather than the methodology.

***** All presentations are to be presented in English. Please consider
that some of your audience will probably not be native English speakers.
Even if language were not an issue, cultural considerations affect
communications. Please be careful in use of acronyms and other terms,
which may not be internationally understood. Effective use of graphic
materials (PowerPoint, overheads, etc.) can be very helpful in
communicating with the audience.

The Final INET'98 Program will be available at
<http://www.isoc.org/inet98/program.shtml> beginning Tuesday,
March 31. Please note that this program is subject to change.

INET'98 has a small fund to support the attendance of some authors to
present their papers at the conference in Geneva. In the past, the
majority of financial aid support has been given to those candidates from
developing countries who are likely to need more assistance than those from
non-developing countries. NOTE: Financial aid is limited and by no means

TO APPLY ~~~~~~~~~
To apply for financial aid, send a brief supporting statement to
<[email protected]>. This statement should state that you are a
potential INET'98 speaker and contain the following information:

1. Specific costs for your trip to Geneva.

(For example, if you are asking for airfare assistance, provide the lowest,
discounted coach airfare from your home to Geneva. If you are asking for
hotel assistance, the Internet Society will provide financial assistance for up
to three hotel room nights -- enough for you to arrive the day before your
presentation, the day of your presentation, and the following day when you
return home.)

2. Any partial support available to you from your employer or another party.

3. A statement why full financial support is not available.

To be eligible for financial aid we expect you to keep your costs to a
minimum. Specifically, you MUST USE the Official INET'98 Travel Agent,
Scan The World, to reserve your airfare. Their email address is:
<[email protected]>. Failure to do this will jeopardize any
possible financial aid.

All requests for financial aid must be received at
<[email protected]> not later than 17 April to be considered.

If you have any queries please contact us at <[email protected]>.
Thank you for your support of INET'98. We look forward to meeting you
in Geneva.

Francois Fluckiger and Jean-Claude Guedon
Programme Co-Chairs, INET'98