inet98/encounter-places commentary

Heikki Kortti ([email protected])
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 13:58:31 +0200 (EET)

And at the same time, in another parallel world:

<pp> _A_: any ideas on how to get mgetty to say "ATA" whenever DCD is down
<_Anarchy_> f: Maybe
<bingo> azlanar, really, that's quite old news
<pp> if that's possible at all
<_Anarchy_> pp: no
<bingo> pp :)
<pp> I guess we'll just get some sort of kludge for it :)
<bingo> pp, fixed that booting problem btw.. just had to disable LBA fro
m the bios ;)
<Dick> pp: cant hack mgetty to do that?
<Dick> oops
* Dick learns to read
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<pp> well, doing it properly is a possibility too

Mind if I join in on inet98-discussion sometimes?

* H *