Re: 98332: INET'98 Abstract Review Notification

Laura Breeden ([email protected])
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:11:51 -0800


All of the abstract submissions were sorted by track. The track chairs
(three people, usually) reviewed those in their tracks, and then there was
a fair bit of swapping papers since some authors did not seem to understand
the track themes too well. I don't remember any other submissions from
you, so maybe they did not come to our track.

We liked your paper because it seemed very interesting to us to have a
youth perspective at the conference. In fact we are working on an expanded
youth programme, to include reporting by youth and interactions with
teenagers and young adults around the world.

Does this fit with what you have in mind? We were expecting to hear a talk
full of interesting insights about growing up on the net... sort of...
does that sound right?


At 6:37 PM 1/22/98, Toni Alatalo wrote:
>I was asked to prepare
>and told that you are the track leaders.
>The abstract is one of the three I sent and, to be honest, I'm really
>suprised that it got selected. That's probably the reason I have trouble
>understanding where to concentrate -- perhaps you could guide me a bit?
>Thank you.
>+ an + ~ Toni ~ : (t . !

Laura Breeden & Associates
Strategic Internet Consulting
215 Waverley Street, #4
Menlo Park, CA 94025
p 650.853.3040
f 650.853.3047
[email protected]

*****See you at INET'98, Geneva, 21-24 July, 1998*****
Contact me about the User-Centered Issues program!