Cases - the First:

time drinking ouzo:

humala.html (stands for "drunkennes") .. authentic!
written in a party at the time we were learning html for fun :)


in a party, around 5am, people leaving,
went on-line, sg was there, told they
had strawberry cake, bicycled there
through the town and in a week/two started


she was sort of familiar from #oulu on irc, we were
looking for people to join to go to travel to a party
in Tampere (500km away) and she had put her
telephone number on the net for us to finger and we
called and travelled together the next day and fell
completely in a disastrous love and got together.

we've been separated ages now but keep struggling
in this weird bigger-than-life brother/sister friendship
mostly on-line .. why? she kills me.

contact with isoc:

got interested when gtld-mou was published,
had taken a look before but forgotten,
tried to find out but really couldn't,
noticed inet'97, almost gave it up, finally
managed to get there, wrote about it,
kept contact, was driving chapterizierung
but also criticizing, saw born,
now is coming (and this)

stay abroad:

announced interest fall '95, got e-mail
spring '97, replied "yes", some more mailing,
checking courses from the web etc.
and here i am.

parachuting experience:

The decair, meaning the airspace freaks from Digital Equipment Corporation in Finland, sent mail
'cause they needed more people to their parachuting group to get some discount. I hadn't had any contact with them before but as the mail came during some (boring) day at work it was easy to reply "sure, why not" and so that happened.