Inter-Country Human Development

International Income Gaps

Positive view:

Negative view:

[ comment: What does this mean in practise? (not only income is wealth)]

What to do to reverse this?

Income and Wellbeing

Economists: GNP/capita is the best single indicator


1st correction: gap is not so wide

Further drawbacks:


New Indicators - UNDP Human Development Index

1990: UNDP Human Development approach:

Income: not a goal in itself but a way to reach other things


Correlation of GNP and life expectancy (as an example):

HDI-indicators (composite)

  1. Life Expectancy (...)
  2. Education (literacy, school going)
  3. Income (PPP/capita, discounted high-income effect!)
[was a good lecture although i'm a still a bit unsure about the basic assumptions behind the HDI indicators. for example: why is literacy considered good for humanity? i guess it is a way of getting choices and opportunities .. capabilities .. or something.

was also really interesting to get such a clear picture explaining why and how monetary transactions don't cover  that much of wellfare and life. he drew a picture comparing the dutch and indian economies telling how little of the life in india is valued in money and how much in netherlands -> economic stats based on money don't show much.

i guess that's also why economic growth can be so fast in the east. the economy is there already, it just hasn't been counted in terms of money before. when it is registered as money more and more people there have more choices, ie. can decide to buy something else instead of eating the rice from own fields, can travel etc. is this the essense - money is a way of .. abstracting the value out of things to be used more flexibly? that's what they tought in school if i remember correctly.]