netscape failed <A HREF=">browser</A>

. (
Wed, 26 May 1999 19:26:06 +0300 (EEST)

"The Netscape quality feedback agent has captured information that
Netscape needs to help improve Communicators quality.

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opening an .avi file from

that's a work of a student of mine, earlier I had to use M$ Media Player
to watch 'cause Netscape failed then too.

Actually all Netscape browsers crash time to time on all platforms,
including SunOS Solaris, Linux, Windows NT and 98/95. Please make it
stable (or leave your work - AOL sucks anyway).

BTW: do you know the International Browser Day? is their site (Society for Old and New Media
in Amsterdam) an are my notes from last year and is about Mobile (aka.
wireless) Internet Use.

"Netscape Quality Feedback Agent is based on Full Circle Talkback.
Talkback is a Trademark of Full Circle Software, Inc.

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