Re: summer pictures and mental images of snow

Toni Alatalo ([email protected])
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 20:22:28 +0300 (EET DST)

On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, Laura Breeden wrote:

> i really like the pictures and it is the first time i have seen you, so
> that was fun. you look tall!

Heh :)

It was just that the camera was down on the grass, makes people look tall
I guess. The pictures were taken, btw, just the following days after
returning from KL back to Oulu. There are other's from parties etc. in (deep is a party organisation), some
taken with the same (lousy) camera I was borrowing then..

> did you have the snowdream? or did someone else?

Well I guess it was my dream after seeing the black December here in
A'dam. I just love that soft white thing you can dive and play in :)

It was a birthday of a friend living in this flat in the center of Oulu
where I ended up spending most of the holiday. They had four amazingly
hyperactive kittens there! and everything. Anyway, the birthday was just a
Tuesday night or something, everybody was kinda tired of all the partying
the weekend and before and of city life and everything. It was past
midnight already but we didn't feel like going sleeping.

So we took a car and drove to this place called Virpiniemi 15 minutes (or
so) from town and were fooling around there, climbing up the hills,
sliding down from there, making angels in the snow and finally sitting by
a campfire eating pancakes with jam and drinking hot chocolade. Oh gad
that was wonderful :)

Karen Halttunen is a funny name, nice mix I guess.
We should sometimes come over there to states to check your saunas :)
