marvelously friendly person -an/gst

. (
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 01:24:34 +0200 (EET)

a friendly person
marvelled me ght.

i can't handle it,
not at all, no-no.


they gave good advice.
and i sure need people
who trust and even
relay on me, for some
reason, and don't
hesitate to show that.

just that i don't think
they know me when they do

i needed support after
he'd said big words about
me and started kissing her,
endlessly it seemed, so i
took the nice pen i got
earlier during the day from
my pocket, a piece of paper
from another one, and

started drawing abstract
curves and lines,

finally words:

"today i travelled
from the arms of
a seventeen year old

to the unbelievably
firm, unsecure world
of grown ups"

"... doing things that
can't be said, they say"


he has the paper now. with the
wholeness off the lay-out and
correct words that didn't make
it here

after meeting my real friends,

not those ruling happy seminar
people, harmless-doom-under-
standing and safely (not) lost

after watching Rambo II - first
so analytically and empathetically
in the end

there's about ten (10) business
cards of my own in the pocket,
old and used as notepapers, but
also (t)his new one. he wanted me

to remember. Rane Karjalainen.
Carelian, that is, no Rambo. first
name in the nickname-kinda-form
so that all seeing altavista would
be fooled a bit at least.

+ an + ~ ~ : (t . !